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hack it or heck it.

an experiment of testing online airfryer recipe/hacks where we debunk it (or not)

Saw some air fryer cooking recipes online but having doubts on the taste, efficiency, methods and etc? Fret not, this series will tell you whether you should heck (ignore it) the recipes cause it’s not worth it. Or hack it (yes try!) cause it’s easy and worthwhile!

airfryer crabstick cny snack

so addictive & I can't stop

05.02.2021  3min read.

*Click here for the recipe.


The Crab Stick CNY Snack has been around for quite a couple of years. They are highly addictive and they come in multiple flavors but nothing beats the original! This recipe is nothing complicated and here comes the exciting part- you can add whichever kind of flavor you want easily.


Things to take note of:

1. It is advised to add some oil to give some flavor. 


2. It is possible to get the crunchy texture even without adding oil or flavoring. So, choose your favorite brand of crabstick!


3. Remember to check your crabstick at an interval of 4/5mins to make sure they are air-fried evenly.


4. These air-fried crabsticks lose their crunchiness the next day no matter you dap away the water/ add the oil to crabsticks or not.

Final taste test!

taste: 4/5 (taste good only on the first day)

Airfryer baking process: 2/5

Preparation process: 2/5

Aesthetics: 4/5 (looks good only on the first day)

Calories: 5/5 


After trying multiple variations- air frying it is kinda disappointing. Variations tried:

-Without oil, no dapping of water

-Without oil, dapping away the water

-With oil, no dapping of water

-With oil, dapping away the water

-With oil + Mac’s curry sauce


All these variations achieved similar results. The major setback has got to be losing the crunchiness of the crabsticks the next day. It becomes soft and tender, having a texture similar to some CNY squid snack.


Furthermore, Peeling off the plastic sheet from individual crabsticks and further divide them required too much time even though this can be done concurrently while air frying them. 


It’s great for family bonding because it requires a lot of preparation time despite the simplicity of the recipe. Though air frying seems to be a lot healthier compared to deep frying, the taste is a far cry from those available in the market. 


Having said the above, it is strongly recommended to heck it- ignore this recipe unless you have the luxury of time and health-conscious. 


It is not economical to air fry your own considering you need around 2 packets of crabstick (worth SGD$4) to fill up a typical CNY container (1400ml).


For the same size, there are other options which you can consider such as getting them from ntuc/bakery shops for around $8-$12 or mdm ling bakery! Mdm ling bakery is at a higher price point ($16.80).


On hindsight, it is understandable why this cheap processed food is so expensive. Just a fun note! Crabstick are processed with fish paste made from the cod family! 


All the best in trying this recipe & happy cny!

Don't say we didn't warn you!

levain cookie

aiya, they say it's like a scone la

25.01.2021  5min read.

*Click here for the recipe and here for a youtube video.

The original recipe comes with oven instructions.  For air fryer instructions please read on!


A levain cookie is usually identified by its huge size that is as huge as your palm and its texture is very similar to a scone. It has this crunchy texture on the outside but you get a melty chocolate gooey (soft & sticky) where it just melts in your mouth. Yes, it is exactly as good as it sounds!


This cookie was first introduced by a talented baking friend and she graciously supplied the dough for this experiment (thank you!).


The original recipe can be traced back to this "Levain Bakery" in New York where it's said to have one of the best. Yes? No? Let's find out from a copycat version of this cookie!


PS: you can find the recipe below too if you're lazy to navigate to the original links. (: 

   cooking & baking is 

    both physical and

    mental therapy.                                   "

Things to take note of:

1. The baking time should be adjusted in accordance with the size of your cookies; i.e the smaller the cookie, the lesser the time required. It would be best too to check your cookies in the midst and avoid burnt surfaces.


2. Apply some butter(greasing agent) to the surface If you use aluminum foil as the base. Not advised to flip the cookies in the baking process because it will destroy the aesthetics.


3. Do not attempt to remove the cookie before it sets. It is likely that the bottom surfaces of your cookies will be stuck to the base. The bottom surfaces are usually the hardest to be cooked in an air fryer and you need a greasing agent.


Final taste test!

The cookies taste the same as though they are baked in an oven. Perhaps, the only downside was to get the bottom surfaces slightly underbaked. Ratings below:

taste: 5/5

Airfryer baking process: 4/5

Dough mixture process: not applicable

Aesthetics: 4/5 (highly dependable on your skills)

Calories: 2/5 (well…. they are kinda fat). 


Thus, hack it!

Airfryer is indeed a good alternative for baking cookies if you do not have an oven at home.


With Chinese New Year around the corner, perhaps you might want to give this recipe a try. So how about doubling up your cny goodies this year by swapping the chocolate chips to almond, hazelnut, or even cranberry (red for the cny vibes). 


The next recipe- cny air fryer crabstick snack will be released soon. Look out for more updates on our Instagram account.


Meanwhile, be careful and have fun baking!


 © 2021 Shiloh.C 

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